Allowed Empty For Printing Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields on the Electronic Birth Certificate that may be left empty when printing a paper copy of the certificate.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.

When hospitals submit the Electronic Birth Certificate to the Mississippi State Department of Health they must also submit a paper copy of the certificate. In order for the certificate to be registered, certain fields on the certificate must be filled. This entry specifies fields that do not require data in order for the paper copy of the certificate to be printed.
This Registry entry is assigned to groups:
Key | Group |
Key 1 | Group |
Key 2 | Default |
Key 3 | Table |
Key 4 | enotices |
Key 5 | Allowed Empty For Printing |
Value | column;column;... |

Group | Default | Table | enotices | Allowed Empty For Printing | column;column;... |
column;column;... | is a semicolon separated list of certificate fields that do not require data in order for the paper copy of the certificate to be printed. |
This entry specifies that a certificate may be printed if the only empty fields are the birth weight and generational identifier fields:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | Group |
Key 2 | Default |
Key 3 | Table |
Key 4 | enotices |
Key 5 | Allowed Empty For Printing |
Value | BirthWeightLbs;BirthWeightOzs;BirthWeightGrams;ChildGenerationalId |